Music is the stuff of life, so here's my memalicious entry for mid week. Blame
Betty Sue.
1. Total Number of Records (CD, vinyl, cassette):I think about 350. Used to count them with a secret smug shame but gave up on that.
2. Total Volume of Music on My Computer:No freaken idea, being old skool cd queen, the concept of "gigs" as a measure music is just all a bit foreign. I know that
Biz has loads and loads and loads as he worships at the temple of limewire. Betty, you'll be pleased to know that a recent addition was all the David Bowie songs in Portuguese from the Life Aquatic soundtrack. Nice.
3. Last Record Purchased:Oh no! - embarassingly an Arabic top 40 Mix. Its got 2 good tracks at the beginning and sadly the rest is lame. Songs need a really good beat when the only word you can recognise is "habibi".
Can I go the one before? Nick Cave's rarities triple album. But the cd purchasing slowed dramatically upon serious saving for the BIG TRIP. Readers, more on this later, Betty you will have the LED-life-sucking machine sooon... very soon.
4. Last Record Listened to: Well there's a 5 cd changer in the machine, so there's rarely just one album cued up. I think it was actually Cat Empire's first album. With some loungeroom dancing thrown in. Other recent contenders - Once in a Life Time/Best of Talking Heads, Desmond Dekker
On that that the ipod walks among us I oft hear it said that music has been boiled down to the unit of the song, and the single reigns supreme winner of pop culture wars. But I say NAY, dear readers - the album still speaks. We do not plan to do away with novels and only read our favourite pages, do we? So if you want to communicate with say, Thom Yorke then play the whole thing. It will just make more
ipods sound tinny anyway.
5. Five Records/Songs I Listen to or Are Meaningful to Me:Just five?
The Ship Song - Nick Cave
Ever Fallen in Love - The Buzzcocks
Lock it - Falling Joys
Brown Girl in the Ring - Boney M (my first favourite song, apparently)
Walkin' after Midnight - Patsy Cline
Big Science - Laurie Anderson (the album - because everyone else hates it soo much)
Just like heaven - The Cure (I know, its lamity lame lame)
She's got a girlfriend now - Reel Big Fish
Welcome to the Jungle - Guns and Roses*
Beautiful Freak - The Eels
Unguarded Moment - The Church
There is a light that never goes out - Smiths (but only a joyful shower rendition)
thats' enough.
6. Tags:Oh I hold back from naming the music thing if you're keen, I'll read it coz I'm a nerd. Although i did inadvertently make up a meme about
housemates, if anyone's in the mood..
7. What albums are on your wish list? (sneaky extra criteria added ..hint hint.. anyone have electronic versions handy?) New White Stripes; New Eels; Like Version - Triple J; New Cat Empire
*Only kidding, just testing if you were still awake