8 January 2004

Well bugger me

Look what my bestest buddy found on the WEA website. (That stands for Workers Educational Association if you're an American)

'Life in the Single Lane: Successful and Sassy'
7.30 - 9.30 Mondays, 8 week starting Feb 2
Course Number 41GN141
WEA www.weasydney.nsw.edu.au

It's especially for chicks (well d'uh).

And we note it doesn't mention gin, novelty sex aids or Elvis movies at all in the
blurb, but does sound like there will be lots of talking about breakups. shudder.

Makes me wonder... what WEA courses could you run?

"Attitude at Work - all talk no trousers"
3.30- 5.30pm Tuesdays, 6 weeks.

Aunty B explains all the background to the subtle art of appearing eternally busy on important and incomprehensible projects, so that colleagues are too scared to approach you for anything new. Learn invaluable skills like the "exasperated sigh" and the "armful of urgent proofs for the printers". At the end of the course you'll be able to use phrases like "But you'll need a whole strategy to back this up! Look I'll have to get back to you in two weeks".

More urban survival skills courses to come...

"Totally ambiguous relationships - make SMS work for you!"

"Where the hell are we? - the ancient eastern European art of drinking white spirits until 3am"

"Find the inner John Travolta - how to become the centre of attention on any nightclub dancefloor" (No former dance training required)

"The art of the T-bar - sculpt the wedge of G-string showing above your pants, based on Japanese Ikebana techniques"

"Pash and dash" 3hr workshop Friday 11pm - 2am.

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